
Blind Contour Drawing #40 “Climate Change” Elisapee Ishulutaq Inuk artist Elisapee Ishulutaq didn’t begin drawing and printmaking until her mid-forties, when she moved to the community of Pangnirtung on Baffin Island. Until then, she lived off the land, traveling with her nomadic family and hunting the caribou trails of Nunavut.  When she finally did pick……


Blind Contour Drawing #33 “Interior” Molly Lamb Bobak In her seventies, artist Molly Lamb Bobak recalls Mary Williams with warmth and admiration: “She never kept a lot of baggage with her,” she reminisces, admiring the independence of her mother, who lived with but never married Bobak’s artist father, Harold Mortimer-Lamb—an unconventional arrangement for the 1920s.……

BCH #31

Blind Contour Homage #31 “Oil Refinery” – Ella May Walker Walker was an artist with an eclectic range of talents. Born in Minnesota in 1892, she moved to Saskatchewan as a child, studying piano and eventually earning a music degree from McGill University. Upon moving to Edmonton with her husband in the 1920s, she refocused……


Blind Contour Homage #30 – “Parachute Riggers” – 1947 Paraskeva Clark   Born Paraskeva Avdeyevna Plistik in St.Petersburg, Russia, Clark was one of three daughters to working class parents. Her mother made artificial flowers to supplement the family’s income and her father managed a grocery store. They worked hard to afford their children an education.……